In the age of Google, the lazy will inherit the Earth
And, the worst part is, this isn't even email, private between two people. It's out there for the world to see! I am more and more convinced that people don't understand what "your comments will be visible worldwide," even means.
Here is but one example, from:
"cold stone is going cold
- submitted by jason11 on 02/06/2007
cold stone is going cold dead. remember frujan gladje (sp??) exactly. krispe cream. add cold stone to the list of disappearing"
Cold Stone, and proper sentence structure, that is.
Not a capitalized proper noun in the whole thing, nor a single capital to start a sentence.
Frusen Glädjé. I know it's hard to remember, but I Googled it. It took three seconds. Actually, the Google auto-complete guessed, before I got the "Frus" typed in, that I was after "Frusen Glädjé." Then, it was all cut-and-paste.
It's "Krispy Kreme," not "krispe cream." That's a brand that still exists. It's got a website for crying out loud!
And punctuation... There are a ton of periods in the comment, but not so much one, you know, at the end of the comment.
Now, that's a lot of problems for a comment that's, let's see, twenty words long. If I had submitted that sort of writing to any English teacher I had in school, I would have been summarily demoted, with extreme prejudice, to the prior grade.
There's a cool gajillion examples of this in the online world. At what point did our lives get so busy, or we get so lazy, that using a backspace key every once in a while is just not doable?